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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday 17 July 2008

Went to Rude Boys for two hours today - nothing much to report. Very quiet. Firstly had my dick suck for a while by a large banker dude who then shot his load while sucking me. He quickly cleaned up an left, leaving me with an throbing boner.

Half an hour later, a young guy in boots and jeans, came in, went into one of the cubicles with glory hole, and sucked my cock, moaning loudly from the otherside. Heard him take snort of poppers and I knealt down to work on his dick. Nice and thick with a pointed head, already leaking globs of precum. While I sucked he passed the bottle through the hole - I took a long snort, and went back to work. Wow, seconds later he blew and what a load. He pulled out, zipped up and was gone in a flash.

Stayed another half an hour and had a good wank with a few good snorts of the brown bottle while watching some hot Latino porn in the lounge.

I just wish the guys there would change the programming of the porn on the computer - its almost always the same porn during the day when I go there.

Going to Hot House steam baths tomorrow - have taken the day off to be a pig. Will let you know what happened soon.

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