
Gay City Sex in Cape Town is a gay sex blog containing explicit gay sex pictures and text, and it is meant for readers over the age of 18. Therefore, if you are not an adult, please EXIT NOW.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monday Fun at Adult World

Yesterday I went to Adult World in Riebeeck Street. Haven't been there for some time, and it was quiet. I now remember why I don't go there so often: - the staff are so full of attitude and unfriendly. Aslo, they have put their entrance price up from R20 to R30 - that's a hell of a jump, far more than inflation....

There was one guy there, tall, skin-head look. First sucked me through the glory hole, but fuck man, why cant guys learn to suck - all teeth and no technique.....

Pulled my dick back out and went for a walk around, still nobody else - skin-head was now in a cubicle, was randy, so went in. He striped immediatly and was on his knees - wanted to be dominated, which I quickly did and roughed him up for not being able to suck like a pig slut should be able to do - turned him around and worked his ass, opened him up wide, had him moaning and snorting the poppers, pushed my cock in, fucked for a while, pulled out, dressed up and left.

That will teach him for being such a lousy sucker.....

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