
Gay City Sex in Cape Town is a gay sex blog containing explicit gay sex pictures and text, and it is meant for readers over the age of 18. Therefore, if you are not an adult, please EXIT NOW.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Friday 18 July 2008

I arrived at Hot House Steam Baths in the gay "village" of Cape Town, just afdter midday when they open, and left just at 4.30 pm. It wasn't as busy as it usually gets on a Friday afternoon, but I can't complain....

I shot my load three times during those raunchy few hours, having sucked seven cocks, or was it eight? Lost count of the number of times I was sucked and fondled with .... had three hot group scenes, one int he dry sauna, and the others in the maze, and fucked three hot guys.
I had actually gone to Hot House on Friday to meed up with H who had hooked up with me on www.gaydar.co.za but, gues what - he didn't turn up at the time he said he would, and I only got his SMS when I left to say he could only make it later - well, maybe another time - but I certainly didn't sit around waiting for him...
Yeah, it was a good afternoon ... hope to see some of you there soon

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