
Gay City Sex in Cape Town is a gay sex blog containing explicit gay sex pictures and text, and it is meant for readers over the age of 18. Therefore, if you are not an adult, please EXIT NOW.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Past Week

Fuck, its been a busy week, and I have not been able to post. Last Saturday was a blast, with me spending from 7.30am until 2.30pm with a bot, hot kinky and raunchy guy that I met on http://www.gaydar.co.za/. It was a good session with me fucking him three times during the morning and getting in some quality fisting. The BB porn was playing in the background, the toys and poppers were out - and fuck it was one hot session - not the last with this one.

Then on Monday lunchtime, went to Adult World and had a quick blowjob, but not much happening.

On Tuesday went to Wet Warehouse - fuck what a wate of time.

On Wednesday went out to a guy's house at lunctime that had hooked up with me two hours earlier on http://www.gaydar.co.za/ and had a quick, but hot and intense bb fuck, and was back in the office within and hour and a half.

On Thursday, took the afternoon off from work, and went to the steam baths - Hot House - quiet for a Thrusday afternoon, but got busy towards the alter afternoon - had a very hot bb fuck with another guy and we shared this tight hot arse in the maze - fuck was he a slut.